When Hell Gifts You a Husband

Written February 10th, 2024

The lines dividing
What looks like
6 mini ice packs
On his abdomen
are so finely defined
so curated and masterfully chiselled
according to the media
he is ideal
he is HOT

His wealth buys
opinions and positions
in untouched places
a person without a need, material

the presence of plenty and more
cars and mansions with wings wide and dense
gadgets and antiques
the ancient and the new
the knowing that there is no such thing as lack
as wanting without its satisfaction near
” He is the real deal .”
society says
He’s got MONEY

The weight of the status of his name
one that society elucidates
with intention and carriage
there is an accord
a respect
a regard
because of who he is
And some say this is THE husband

Then, we open the pages of his heart
and see the real deal
you must have taken a few steps backwards
the repugnant smell from his opened heart
forces your nose into a squint
there is an air
the passage of an air
that shuts your stomach into a knot.

The allure of your eyes fades
the scales fall
the heart you saw
knew nothing of grace and kindness
a gentleness with the other was not only absent
but impenetrable
yet, some call him – Gentleman

His tongue cuts like a sword
slicing the personhood of his wife
her soul is cut in a half and shatters
this tongued- sword nails the innocence of his children
beneath the breath of his insolence
he is god
his way or the highway

His pride is always in his way
he tumbles and falls
yet he doesn’t realize he’s fallen
so close to the ground
so close to grass
so nebuchadnezzar

He enters the driveway
the home hushes its joy
the children disperse to rooms
the wife gathers her smile into a solemn
he is rage and brimstone
abrasive to those he must love
his voice is a terror
raking throughout the home
shuddering little and big hearts
he is fury
he is danger

How and when did wealth and physic
equate to manliness
equate to the standard for husbandhood?
equate to the sole needs of a wife and children?
when did material become the primary?

Were these men not told
that the strong force of their voices
were made for scaring vipers away
rather than a subduing of their homes?
were they not told
that the muscles and chiselled abs
were to protect the woman
not to dominate with pounding terror?

Was the likeness of love not shown to you?
was the measure of love not explained to you?
were you not told
that love, the kind Christ has modeled to you
the one where you care like unto your own self
the one where you sacrifice yourself for her
the one where your voice is not a signal of terror and fear
but like fresh water in the desert
like a nourishing spring
is what you must give
because of Christ

The husband like Christ
Is exactly that
like Christ

🦋 Listen on Franc Poetry with Favour.

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